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A member registered Nov 29, 2020

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And look, buddy, even if I tell you whether I am gay or not, in the end, your two comments are being downvoted to HELL because of how stupid and obviously homophobic they are. 

I highly, HIGHLY suggest deleting them to save yourself from further embarrassment.

(1 edit)

What if I am? What if I am not?

Why does it matter whether I'm gay or not lmao

If it makes you feel any better, the devs said you can play as a girl, so it's technically not gay lol

"change the gender of the maids"

Well, the devs will NEVER do that, so boooo-hooo~

"I don't want to see a boy, I want to see a girl"

I have no words...

Look, buddy, Myosuki had already had their sights set on making a VN about feminine boys in maid outfits and nothing else. And telling them to change or to have the option to change the maids' gender is just scummy, to be honest, and completely ruins the irony of the game's title.

Sorry, but this game is just not for you...

Please, for the love of God, tell me you're joking. That option will RUIN the irony of the game title...